All About
Lily Stennis-Vinson
Artist Bio
Lily Stennis-Vinson, born and raised in North Omaha, Nebraska is a 2023 University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate, majoring in Fine Arts with an emphasis in ceramics & Pre-Dentistry. Growing up with 9 and 4 adopted siblings she never had too many close friends because of her family orientated personality. Shy in her adolescence, Lily’s hands gave her a voice and allowed her to create visual representations of her words, bringing them to life! Art has been Lily’s passion since she was six when she began drawing; over the years, she’s explored multiple mediums of art, but sculpture gave her the best of both worlds when wanting to use multiple mediums.

Artist Statement
My sculptural work, regardless of the material, expresses my truth as an African American woman. I build connections with nature, people, and the spiritual world through the use of texture, abstract forms, and cultural patterns. While creating figurative language and poetry are essential to my design process just as an author uses illustration. Each sculpture has a unique poem that they are identified as other than a title or name. I incorporate many raw materials such as hair, leaves, and saw dust to personify the 3-dimentinal work. The majority of my work is made from earthenware and stoneware clay where I utilize many different approaches and tools when building surface texture whether it's carving, scratching, or smoothing out the surfaces to emphasis body features or to be symbolic to certain characteristics of the sculpture.